Welcome to your site review!

We’ve taken the time to review your site at eonclincs.com and have come up with a series of specific observations and customized recommendations that we feel will improve your site’s effectiveness to generate new business.  This is NOT an automated tool.  We spent quality time with your site to come up with these observations.

3 Things to Keep in Mind:

We are not here to sell you a new website. We are here to help you implement a digital marketing system that utilizes current assets more efficiently - only creating or improving assets where necessary to get you more business.

We’re not here to stroke your ego and tell you all the things you’re doing great. You probably already know what those are. We’re here to identify opportunities to do some things better.

We performed this review without access to some critical elements such as your website analytics, current tactical plan & budget or your communication workflow for leads (just to name a few).

Let's get going

First Impressions - Your Home Page

Too Many Options

Your homepage currently gives the user 21 options of things to click on - and that’s just above the fold! Here’s the deal: the more choices you give someone, the less likely they are to make ANY choice at all. Simplify. Be direct. Your conversion rate will go up.

  • Put all the social icons in your footer
  • Simplify your navigation - not sure what to emphasize? Check your analytics.
  • Reduce the number of choices overall

Get Rid of the Slider

Study after study has shown that sliders kill conversions. They are generally too overwhelming, move too fast, give too many choices etc.

  • Replace the slider with a static feature that focuses on your unique value with a clear call-to-action (more on these later)

Improve the Video Experience

Videos are great and it’s obvious that you’ve invested a decent amount in creating videos to tell your story. That’s the good part. The not so good part is that the videos are small and too long for the home page. The first video is over 7 minutes long.

  • Allow the videos to play in a larger lightbox
  • Create shorter edits for home page and landing pages
  • Consider using an analytics streaming service like Wistia to get insights into what videos are being played and depth of viewing

General Layout & Design

More Contrast

Rarely does anyone read a webpage in its entirety. Contrast in design allows you to draw attention to key points, allowing the user to skim to their specific area of interest, and of course to your calls to action. Several of the elements on your various pages tend to blend together with no real visual hierarchy.

  • Add contrast to text with more subheads, pull quotes, bullets
  • Make Opt in forms stand out more as an obvious call to action

Traffic Generation

Greater Emphasis on SEO

Using some online tools, we were able to estimate that over 96% of your organic search traffic comes from branded search phrases (eon clinics, eon dental clinics, eon dental etc.). Branded search traffic will almost ALWAYS be your largest source of organic traffic, but 96% suggests that you are leaving A LOT on the table for more traditional searches from people who don’t know you yet (dental implants Chicago, how expensive are dental implants, are dental implants for me).

  • You have 0 backlinks to any of your blog articles - this is the lifeblood of your seo content efforts. Formulate a content plan focused on obtaining “white-hat” backlinks.

Fix some SEO Red Flags Immediately

You have a few “red flag” items that are likely keeping Google from ranking your site higher for unbranded searches. These need to be fixed and a more exhaustive search done for other potential issues.

  • You have 1,985 total backlinks - 1,835 of them come from 1 domain which looks like they were obtained with bad practices. These links need to be disavowed through Google to avoid further penalties
  • A more complete analysis of your backlink profile should be performed to clean up other issues that are keeping your rankings down
  • As mentioned above - you have 0 links to your blog articles and only 3 to any page other than your home page. Without rich content to generate legitimate inbound links from authoritative sites, you’ll be hard pressed to get any noticeable organic traffic other than branded searches

Blog Improvement

Your blog is, well… blah. Sorry if this sounds harsh, but there is practically nothing on your main blog page to draw me into reading any of your articles.

  • Improve your main blog page layout to draw more readers in
  • Eliminate your “Email updates” call to action and replace with a better lead generation opt in
  • Include lead generation opt-ins in every article
  • Research topics that will generate more inbound links from key influencers

Minimal Paid Traffic

Again, based on some online tools, it doesn’t appear that you are not utilizing much or any paid advertising tactics such as paid search, retargeting etc. Paid advertising is an excellent way of filling in the holes of your traffic where you are weak organically and when paired with a site optimized for conversions is a very profitable approach to generating leads.

  • Consider spinning up a paid search or display campaign to bring in new traffic, driving them to your higher funner offers (eBooks etc.)
  • Retargeting will bring visitors back that have visited you but haven’t converted. Remember, most people require 7+ exposures to your brand before they engage a sales person

Lead Generation

Higher Funnel Lead Options

You basically have 2 calls to action on your site (not including the phone number): 1) “Free Consultation” and 2) “Dental Implants eBook”. The free consultation is what we would consider a lower funnel action - something unlikely to be done on their first (or probably 2nd, 3rd or 4th visit to your site). The eBook is a much better lead generation CTA, but you don’t really make your case why I should download it. It’s just a button.

  • Reposition the eBook as a more prominent CTA with better description of the value in order to get more users to convert
  • Test with other offers in case that particular eBook doesn’t appeal to someone. Remember, this is crucial because once you have this, you can then nurture the lead and build trust

Consultation Form Improvements

The Free Consultation form is a little long. Simplified forms will generate more leads. Only ask what is absolutely necessary. Get the rest on the phone follow-up.

  • Reduce length of the form
  • Improve visibility of the form with contrast

Lead Nurturing

Lead Nurturing Workflow

This falls into the category of, “You Might Be Doing This But We Can’t Tell - but it’s important enough to mention just in case.” When you have a user opt in for one of your lead generation offers - in this case, your eBook - what happens? Do you just send it to them and add them to your email blast list? There’s a better way.

  • Setup a specific lead nurturing drip campaign in order to not only build trust, but also give you a better idea what their pain points are (based on opens and clicks) so you better tailor your message to them

Can We Help You Grow Your Business?

Setup a time with us to go over this review or discuss your digital marketing system.

At InTune, We’re passionate about:

Using Digital Marketing to turn our clients' websites into efficient and profitable lead generation machines

Using digital analytics to prove it out

The difference between a highly effective website and one that’s just treading water is whether you have a digital marketing system which addresses the modern online user composed of:

Clear & Targeted Messaging

Efficient Marketing Tactics to Generate Traffic

Formal Lead Generation & Nurturing Process

Many (oh so many) businesses focus 99% of their effort on finding and executing the right marketing tactics and pay little or no attention to the message (once the website is done) or the process to generate and nurture a lead into a customer.

All three components need to be in place supported by fanatically embracing your digital analytics in order to surge past your competition and build a reliable lead generation machine for your business.

Can We Help You Grow Your Business?

Setup a time with us to go over this review or discuss your digital marketing system.